Friday, August 10, 2012

Kumpulan Paypal dan Ebay Contact

PayPal Office of Executive Escalations:

1-402-935-2269 (Michelle, Executive Escalations)
1-402-935-2116 (Elizabeth Morey, Supervisor, Executive Escalations)
1-402-935-2172 (Adam Braasch, Senior Agent)
1-402-935-2268 (Beth Beutler, Senior Agent)
1-402-935-2174 (Jackie Hart, Senior Agent)
1-402-952-8951 (Michael Lazure, Senior Agent)
1-402-935-5073 (Stephanie Mikovec, Senior Agent)
1-402-935-2331 (Tara Stevens, Senior Agent)

PayPal Phone Numbers & Email: United Kingdom
08707/ 307 191 (UK Calling Rates Apply -- OPTION "1" for Customer Service)
0870/730-7191 (UK Calling Rates Apply)
0208/ 6053000 (Landline Phone Number)
020/8605 3001 (UK FAX -- UK Calling Rates Apply) (PayPal Office of Executive Escalations UK)

PayPal Phone Numbers: Australia
(02) 8223 9500 (Australian Toll Rates Apply)
1 800 073 263 (Toll Free Number)
(02) 8223 9555 (Fax Number Australia -- AU Calling Rates Apply)
(02) 8223 9501 (Fax Number Australia -- AU Calling Rates Apply)

PayPal Phone Numbers: Deutschland / Germany
[B]0180/ 500 66 27 (14 Euro Cents Per Minute)
0870/730-7191 (Calling Fees Apply)
030-8019-5161 (PayPal/eBay Hauptquartier)
030-8019-5252 (FAX nummer PayPal/eBay Hauptquartier)

PayPal Addresses America & Canada
PayPal Inc., 2211 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95131
PayPal Inc., 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125
PayPal Inc., P.O. Box 45950, Omaha, NE 68145
PayPal Inc., 11128 John Galt BLVD, STE 300, Omaha, NE 68137
PayPal Inc., Legal Department, 2211 North First Street, San Jose, CA 95131
PayPal Inc., 701 First Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94089
PayPal Inc., 3404 E Harmony RD, Fort Collins, CO 80528
PayPal Inc., 18110 SE 34th Street, Vancouver, WA 98683

PayPal Addresses: United Kingdom & Ireland
PayPal Europe Ltd, Hotham House, 1 Heron Square, Richmond upon Thames, Surrey, TW9 1EJ
PayPal Europe S.a.r.l. & Cie, S.C.A., 5th Floor 22-24, Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg

eBay (UK) LTD,
P.O. Box 9473
Dublin 15

PayPal Managing Director, David Graham Clarke, 3 Woodside Road, New Malton, Surrey, KT3 3AH

PayPal & eBay Addresses: Australia

PayPal, Locked Bag 10, ATTN: Error Resolution, Australia Square PO, Sydney, NSW 1215
PayPal, 19 1 York Street, Sydney New South Wales

PayPal / eBay Australia Lawyers:
Gadens Lawyers Sydney Pty Limited (ACN 100 963 308), Level 16 Skygarden Bldg., 77 Castlereagh Street, Sydney NSW 2000 DX 364 Sydney, Australia

Phone: 61 2 9931 4999
Fax: 61 2 9931 4888
Chief Operating Officer, Sydney Offices: Ian Dardis,
Chairman, Sydney Offices: Ian Clarke,
ADDITIONAL NOTES: PayPal Australia Pty Limited is a registered Australian Company (ACN 111 195 389) and is subject to Australian law.

PayPal Addressen: Deutschland
PayPal Europe S.a.r.l. & Cie, S.C.A., 5th Floor 22-24, Boulevard Royal L-2449, Luxembourg
PayPal GmbH., Marktplatz 1, Europarc-Dreilinden, Kleinmachnow, D-14532
Postfach 750263
60532 Frankfurt/Main
PayPal Email Addresses

Avoid using PayPal's automated email submission center -- that email goes straight to New Delhi, India where you will get a prompt reply back that has nothing to do with what you asked in the first place. For faster results, email the following departments (where people with decision making authority can help you): (Michael Moldenburg, Paypal Complaints) (Scott Thompson, PayPal President) (Mary Hentges, CFO PayPal) (PayPal Office of Executive Escalations) (Mike Vergara, Senior Director Accounts Protection) (Larry Friedberg, Sr. Manager Brand Marketing & Security) (Catherine Wong, Senior Product Manager Merchant Services) (Michael Barrett, Chief Information Security Officer) (Sarah Livnat, PayPal Risk Management) (Unmonitored) (Let public relations know you are filing complaints) (Amanda Pires -- Media Relations Contact)

Email Tip: Send your problem to EVERY PayPal email address that you can find, not just one. That way you have different people and different departments dealing with your problem.

eBay Contact Information America/Canada
1-800-322-9266 (eBay Customer Service Number -- Toll Free America & Canada)
1-800-717-3229 (eBay Customer Serive Number -- Toll Free America & Canada)
1-866-304-3229 (eBay Marketing -- Toll Free America & Canada)
1-408- 376-7400(eBay General Phone Number -- Toll Number)
1-408-376-7401 (eBay General FAX Number -- Toll Number)
1-402-935-5187 (Brian, eBay problem solver)
1-408-376-7419 (Gary Dellabo, ebay Strategic Partnership's Group -- Toll Number)
1-408-376-7517 (eBay General FAX Number -- Toll Number)
1-408-376-7205 (eBay Investor Relations, Tracey Ford -- Toll Number)
1-408-376-7458 (eBay Media Relations, Hani Durzy -- Toll Number)
1-801-545-2276 (eBay President, Direct Number Salt Lake City -- Toll Number)
1-408- 376-7514 (TOLL FAX Number) Ryan Downs, Senior Vice President Operations, PayPal, Inc. and eBay Inc.
1-801-545-1853 (eBay Accounts, Christa, Accounts Specialist, Salt Lake City -- Toll Number)
eBay Email Addresses (Report Spoof or Phishing Emails/Websites) (eBay Executive Relations) ( Matthew J. Bannick, President, eBay International) (eBay Government Relations Department) (President, eBay North America) (Office of the eBay President) (Pierre Omidyar, eBay Chairman) (Usher Lieberman, Senior Manager Corporate Communications) (John Canfield, Sr. Director Trust & Safety Policy Management)

eBay Contact Information United Kingdom
0700 500 3229 (eBay General Number -- UK Calling Rates Apply)
020 8605 3111 (UK Power Seller's Help Line -- UK Calling Rates Apply)
0906 665 8030 (eBay Customer Service -- UK Calling Rates Apply)
0906 665 8030 (eBay Customer Service -- UK Calling Rates Apply)
eBay Addresses UK:
eBay UK Ltd, Complaints Department
PO Box 659, Richmond-upon-Thames
Surrey, TW9 1TX

eBay (UK) LTD,
P.O. Box 9473
Dublin 15

John Donahoe, eBay CEO

FAX NUMBER: If you prefer to send a fax to the eBay CEO, here is his personal office fax number: 1-408-376-7414

EMAIL: / /

BUSINESS/MAILING ADDRESS: John Donahoe, eBay CEO, 2145 Hamilton Avenue, San Jose, CA 95125

HOME ADDRESS: John Donahoe, 10 Palmer Lane, Portola Valley, CA 94028

HOME PHONE NUMBER: 650-851-9263

Scott Thompson, President PayPal


BUSINESS ADDRESS: Scott Thompson, President PayPal, 2211 N. First Street, San Jose, CA 95131


[TIPS] Taukah Anda?
Buat yang hobi koleksi email2 buyer dari ebay, kita bisa mendapatkan dengan mudah tanpa perlu repot save satu-satu saat item sold.
Caranya, di "Seller Tool" masuk ke "File Management Centre" lalu pilih "Create a Download Request".
Pada Listing and records pilih "Sold", masukkan date range data yang ingin kita ambil, masukkan email lalu "Save"
Kita akan memerima email dari ebay yg isinya link download file yg kita minta. download dan buka filenya.
di situ kita bisa lihat record penjualan kita dalam rentang waktu seperti yg kita masukkan waktu request file. data2nya lengkap, mulai dari buyer id, full name, address, email, phone, dst. nah kita tinggal save dah itu email lengkap dengan nama & addressnya hehehe.
Biasanya saya download untuk data sold selama 1 bulan. dari file ini saya jadi tau total sold item berapa/bln. Buat mastah2 yg volume penjualannya tinngi ini bisa menghemat waktu untuk kumpulin data.
Nah skg udah tau kan caranya kumpulin email2 buyer? klo udah dikumpulin save ke notepad/excell trus kirim ke inbox saya wkwkwkwkwk

created by Mastah Syaiful Amri

Communication Template for Ebay

  • Contact buyer Setelah buyer membeli item kita (very very recommended): Many thanks for your shopping. We are now processing your order size MEDIUM. It takes 15-20 days to arrive. Please wait for item arrival. Just reminder, feedback is very important for a seller. Please do not forget to give 5 stars positive feedback in eBay once you receive the item and do not leave any negative or neutral feedback before we communicate to each other. If you have any question about our product and service, we will gladly help you to resolve it. We commit to offer you the best products and services. >>> bagian yang dicetak miring silahkan dimodifikasi sendiri. Jika tidak pakai ukuran, silahkan ukurannya dihapus
  • Contact buyer Setelah buyer membeli item kita di bulan DESEMBER: Many thanks for your shopping. We are now processing your order size MEDIUM. It takes 15-20 days to arrive. Please note that the delivery might be a bit delay because of Christmas and New Year occasion.Please wait for item arrival. Just reminder, feedback is very important for a seller. Please do not forget to give 5 stars positive feedback in eBay once you receive the item and do not leave any negative or neutral feedback before we communicate to each other. If you have any question about our product and service, we will gladly help you to resolve it. We commit to offer you the best products and services. >>> bagian yang dicetak miring silahkan dimodifikasi sendiri. Jika tidak pakai ukuran, silahkan ukurannya dihapus
  • Contact buyer jika belum bayar (auction):  Many Thanks for shopping. Please complete the payment   so that we can process your order soon

  • Respond buyer yang menanyakan ” where is my item” (khusus overseas): I am terribly sorry for the delay in receiving your order. I receive these complaints every now and then. Normal delivery takes 15-20 days days to reach you. If more than 20 days, usually the reason for the delay is a slow processing time in customs of your country. I did actually send the order, so please wait a couple of days more for the order to arrive. If on date xx xxxxx you still dont receive it, please contact me again. I will make a resoliton for you. Please let me know when the item arrived safely. Have a nice day >>> bagian yang dicetak miring silahkan dimodifikasi sendiri
  • Respond buyer yang complain item not as described: I'am really sorry for this and I willl take responsibility to this problem. Can you please send me the photos of the item? Make sure the photos show the damage or not as described part. If it’s correct as you complain, I will fully refund your money or reship the replacement item. Thank you
  • Contact buyer saat refund money karena barang gak nyampe (ngemis mode on): Dear Valued customer. Here I refund your money. Please note that I already ship your order. I believe that You will receive the item anyway although with delay. Promise me, if you finally receive the item, refund the money back to me. Thank you
  • Jika Item kena Remove gara2 VeRO dsb >>>Segera Track alamat email dari semua customer yang pernah membeli item anda yang kena remove. kemudian kirim message berikut ini segera sebelum buyer2 ramai2 menghajar anda dengan dispute!:  Dear Valued Customer, Related to the removal listing of item xxxxx , Please do not make any open case or dispute in eBay and Pay Pal if you dont receive it yet. I guarantee 100% that i have sent your order. Please wait for item arrival. If you have question or problem with the delivery, please contact me. I will resolve it for you. It will be better for both of us. I hope you understand this.Thank you 
Created by my brother Mastah Sidiq Dwijangka


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