Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ebay Vero List

Dear ebayer,
As you request yesterday about ebay vero list, here is the list of VERO and the vero merchant, you can click and found the origin ID of this VERO items, becarefull for this or MC999 will killed your account...
Have a nice days, and keep in spirit...get your $$$ with confidence without scarred killed by this Fxxxxg VERO. If you really really scared... do not list the item below just listing tiger or other animals...wkakk...wkakk LOL.


List Of Vero

Apparel & Handbags

Art, Crafts, & Photography

Computers & Networking


Food Services & Restaurants

Health & Beauty

Home & Garden

Jewelry, Sunglasses, &

Movies, Television, &


Music Equipment



Retail Establishments

Sporting Goods &

Travel and Transportation


1 comment:

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