Sunday, February 19, 2012

My Moneybookers / Skrill Reviews on Ebay

I use moneybookers as payment processor to accept payment from my buyers on ebay. There are some interesting experiences that should be listened to and taken as a reference by the eBayer. Using Moneybookers / Skrill has some advantages and disadvantages and you can find a few tips from me.

How to registered in

This is the link how to create new account in without redirect to, this is easy way, thanks to bro makli and Dwi Mac K.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Ebay Vero List

Dear ebayer,
As you request yesterday about ebay vero list, here is the list of VERO and the vero merchant, you can click and found the origin ID of this VERO items, becarefull for this or MC999 will killed your account...
Have a nice days, and keep in spirit...get your $$$ with confidence without scarred killed by this Fxxxxg VERO. If you really really scared... do not list the item below just listing tiger or other animals...wkakk...wkakk LOL.

Friday, February 17, 2012

What is Ebay Vero ???

Sometimes we got MC999 with the listing removed, and you know this is related with VERO , the mother of TradeMark, please read my explanation below:

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Swift Code Bank Indonesia

Bank's Swift code is the code that is used to make bank transfers over countries, these codes were unique, so there will be no bank like it. Sometimes we feel confused to find the code the code, until we are forced to call the bank concerned, and sometimes strangely customer bank also did not know the code, so we were made to wait long to wait for the customer to find our bank code. Toll telephone is running. too.


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