Friday, January 20, 2012

How To Withdraw Money From Paypal To Your Bank Account

I was annoyed since paypal closed my account, they held my money for 180 days, this decision made my business broken. but we can not do anything, paypal monopolize everything, we can only wait for the fund who was detained for 6 months. Now the funds are eligible to withdraw, i was received email from paypal inform me about this, here is the email :

Sunday, January 15, 2012

Google Checkout Tidak Mendukung Merchant dari Indonesia.

As we knows paypal are the biggest payment processor in the world, and ebay still the best selling market after amazone. But their screws blow us to use this payment processor. Many people in US and Others Country join Google Checkout, and they used it with confidence. Now google checkout grow fast and become the best payment processor ever.

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Modus Penipuan Balance Alertpay

Hati hati dengan Penipuan jual beli balance alertpay, karena alertpay bisa di dispute hingga 3 bulan (lihat update policy terbaru dari AlertPay). Pengalaman pahit menimpa saya ketika bertransaksi dengna Mr.Scammer Humaidi Reza Pahlevi pada tanggal 22 Desember 2011, This SCAMMER melakukan dispute untuk balance yg saya beli sebesar $200usd yang dipecah ke dua akun Alertpay saya. This SCAMMER juga melakukan dispute sebesar $100usd ke salah satu akun saya pada tanggal 3 januari 2012, kira kira 11 hari setelah terjadi transaksi dia melakukan dispute, dan balance berhasil reverse.

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Report Non Paying Buyer in iOffer and Get Your Final Value Fee Back

Ioffer is one of the best selling market ever, this selling market is good for your ebay alternative. But they have some disadvantage, one of the disadvantage is the fee is credited when buyer sent offered, this is make us sick with the final value fee, because over 50% buyer from this selling market are Non Paying Buyer (NPB).

Cara Verifikasi Paypal Dengan VCC

Untuk membuat accout paypal, langkah awal kita masuk ke, selanjutnya pilih sign-up maka akan tampil jendela seperti gambar dibawah ini, pilih primier. Mengenai perbedaan acoount personal, primer, dan business bisa dan baca di artikel tipe account paypal

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Ebay Alternative With iOffer

Ioffer is one of the best ebay alternative, you should try this ioffer to get more details about iofer, this is very easy to registered, no complex system as ebay, no need to upload documents on your first listing like MC 169 on ebay.

Monday, January 2, 2012

Disadvantage Using China Dropship

Using Dropship system is an easy and efficient to run ebay business. We do not have to waste our time for making a purchase of goods, packing, even until to delivery, everything can be handled simply by using a dropshipper Dropship systems that exist in each.


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